Showing posts from May, 2021

Optimism is the key to the success story.

Optimism is the key to the success. Today we all worry even if single things …

Too much money is a bad thing. Write an essay arguing for or against the topic.

Too much money is a bad thing. It is told that abundant of any things can be ha…

'Money is important for happiness.' Express your views either for or against this statement.

Money Is Important For Happiness Money plays a very important role in our life.…

School days are the happiest days of our lives. Express your views either for or against this statement.

School Days Are The Happiest Days Of Our Lives School is the not only place whe…

Your class had to conduct a Morning Assembly. Write an account of how you prepared for it, what your role was what you gained from the experience.

Morning Assembly Morning assembly is the most significant time of our school. W…

Write a short story which brings out the truth of the saying."Never judge a book by its cover."

Never Judge A Book By Its Cover Ram and Shyam were best friends. They were stud…

Write an original short story entitled 'The Secret'.

The Secret Once upon a time. There were two friends, named Shan and Moran. They…

Summers are becoming hotter with each passing year. Write a description of one such very hot day. What did you see and hear as you walked outside? How were birds and animals affected?

A Hot Summer Afternoon It was the month of may and summers are becoming hotter …

You walk home from school one afternoon to find the door unlocked and on entering you are shocked to see the house in total disarray. You call out but get no answer. Describe in detail what you saw, the reason behind your house being in total disarray, and how you found your family. Mention also how the experience ended and what impact it had on your life.

Chaotic Situation One afternoon when I walk home from school. I was shocked by …

Write an original short story having the following theme: 'Life is like an echo: We get back what we give'

Life   is  Like an  echo :  we get back what we give. Once upon a time, there w…

Describe the happenings of the day when there occurred an earthquake in your locality. State how you and your family escaped and reached the open ground. Also, state what you did and felt after the disaster.

An   Earthquake A n earthquake is a very dangerous natural disaster. There is…

Write an original story entitled: Lost and Found

Lost And Found Sometimes we obtain some remarkable things which we wanted for l…

You have recently been to the wedding ceremony of your cousin. Describes the ceremony and the accompanying celebration.

My Cousin's Wedding Ceremony The Indian wedding is extremely interesting an…

'The use of polythene bags should be banned'. Express your views either for or against this statement in more than 300 words.

Polythene Bags Should Be Banned The modern world is facing a serious problem du…

Narrate how you celebrated the Children's Day in your school.

Children's Day Celebration In My School Children's day is celebrated on…

You have gone on school picnic by bus. While returning home your bus broke down. Narrate what happened after that and how you managed to reach home late at night.

My Bus Accident Sometimes, we became extremely delighted about some things. We …

You have represented your school in an Inter-school cricket tournament. Describe your excitement about being selected in the team, the competition, and feelings on having won laurels for your school.

Inter-school Cricket Tournament I t was the incident when I was studying in cl…


Lost the   game   but won the   heart There are few people, whom we constantly …

Write an original short story that begins with the word: It's not my fault, he shouted.......

Satisfaction 'It's not my fault', he shouted angrily to his parent…

Describe an early morning walk through your city or town in winter. Give details of the smells, sights, sound and feeling you experienced.

Early Morning Walk In Winter Walking is one of the best exercises. It makes a p…

Write for or against the motion a boarding school is better than a day school

Days School Are Better Than The Boarding School School affects the study and al…

'Working women make better mothers than women who stay at home'. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Working Woman I agree with the statement that a working woman makes a better mo…

Essay on addiction more than 600 words.

Addiction Today addiction is one of the biggest problems of all people.  Due t…

'It is better to live in a joint family than a nuclear family'. Express your views either for or against this statement.

Joint Family Is Better Than A Nuclear Family Those people who have a family. T…

Best Math Book For Class 11th and 12th CBSE Board Exam

Best book for class 11th and 12th CBSE Boards Exam 1.NCRT- Math Book It is very…

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