Optimism is the key to the success.

Today we all worry even if single things happen to us. And we do not want to see positive things in it. We start blaming our destiny. We start thinking about why this thing only happens with us. For example When our country was ruled by Britishers. Some people were blaming their ancestors and thinking that this all thing happen due to them. Some reformers look positive side of it. And with help of Britishers, they made our India free from social evils like the Sati system, Child Marriage, racial discrimination, and work for unity, brotherhood, widow remarriage, and Nationalism in India. So, we should always be an optimist.

Once upon a time Akbar and Birbal went hunting with few troops. It was a very dense forest and there was bright sunlight. After walking to few distances. They became tired. And wait to rest in the shelter of a tree. When Akbar was cutting an apple with a knife. Then suddenly his hand was cut due to a knife. Then all of them ran towards him. They all were worried by seeing the wound. Birbal also look it carefully and told us whatever happens, it is good for us. Akbar became angry and asked what is good in it and how he could say it. He ordered his troops to bind Birbal to a tree and left him alone.

Akbar walked to his further journey and after some time storms came and all of them scattered. Akbar was lost in the forest and few tribal people caught him. These people cut a person and sacrifice him in front of a statue of their god to make them happy. When they were going to cut Akbar. They left him because there was a cut on his body and he was wounded. These people did not sacrifice that person who had wound.Akbar became surprised and remember Birbal's words. He ran towards Birbal because Birbal was alone in the forest.

When he reached there, he told sorry to Birbal. Birbal replied it's Ok and told us whatever happens, it is good for us. Akbar asked what was good in it. Birbal replied if he would be with Akbar then he would be killed because there was no wound in his body.

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