Incident Of Last Light

It was raining hard that night. In my hurry to get into the house. I did not notice the black car parked across the road. I realized something was wrong when I heard the noise of some people from my house.

This noise amused me because my whole family had gone to a party somewhere. There were none at my home. Different kinds of thoughts were running inside my mind. I hid under the bed. I was surprised to see that there were a group of four or five people. I understood that they were thieves. When I piped from my bed, I was surprised to see that there was no harm to the cupboard where the jewels of my mother were kept. I understood that they were finding some kind of files because all the files were spread hither and thither and my father was district magistrate.

I promised myself that I had to save my house. But I was not getting what to do and what not to do. After thinking for a while, I went near to my window. Through the window, I saw a man who was passing from there. I tried to call that man, but my sound did not reach him. Simultaneously, those thieves also saw me. They came nearer to me. I became afraid. They told me if I would make any kind of noise. They would kill me. They also asked me about those files. I told them that my father had never talked to me about any kind of secret file. They slapped me and locked me inside a room.

I would not worry. I saw it as an opportunity, and I also locked the room from inside. My room was as much hard that it could not break. There was a mobile phone inside my room. I did a phone call to my father and my father came to my house with the police. Those who thrived tried to run, but they were rescued by the police officers.

My daddy was very happy that I was saved. He also scolded me and asked why I was at the house when I saw thieves there. All the family members came running to my house.

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