The Portrait of A Lady By Khushwant Singh

The Portrait of a lady is written by Kushwant Singh. He was an Indian novelist, lawyer, journalist, and politician. This story is mainly based on him and his relation with his grandmother.

Author grandmother was very old and there was also a wrinkle on her face. He did not see any change in her face for twenty years. He listened from the people telling that once her grandmother was very pretty and she had a very handsome husband. Then author looks at the portrait of her grandfather. It seems that his age would be 100 years and he would have nothing rather than lots of grandchildren.

Grandmother always walks by bending her wrest. There were wrinkles on her face. She has curly white hair and she used to wear white cloth. She walks with one hand on the waist and the other counting the beads of her rosary.

In the initial days, the author has a very good relation with her grandmother. She used to go to leave him at the school. The school was attached to one of the temples where grandmother sit and read some religious books. When the school gets over she takes him with her. She also takes some stale chapattis for the dogs who were roaming around.

When the parents of the author well settle in the city. They called the author and his grandmother there. The grandmother felt that she had come to a different environment. This school was very different here no teachers teach the student about the religious script. The syllabus was completely different. Sometimes she ask her grandchildren how his study was going on but she felt very bad when she was not able to help him. She felt worse when she heard that the school teaches the students dance and music. It was not in the culture of India. She was also not able to go to leave the author to the school because the bus come to take her. 

She started talking less to the author. She sits on the veranda and feeds the birds and started passing her time.

When she heard that author is going abroad for further study. It seems that she was not sad. She went to the station to leave him. She hugged him and kiss on his forehead and tell him goodbye. The author was very sad he was worried whether her grandmother would be alive when he comes back or not.

The time pass and the author come back from abroad. When he looks at her grandmother he noticed that his grandmother is not changed after that many years. His grandmother was very happy to see him. He called all the ladies of society and bring one old Indian two-sided drum and played it loud to welcome him. That day she also feed the birds a lot.  The people also tried to stop her to play the drum but she did not stop. After some time she became tired and stoped by herself.

She became ill. The doctor told that nothing will happen to her. But she knows that it was her last time. She passed away. There was complete silence in her death. All people were very sad. When people left her for some time all birds came near him. Author mother thought that they had come there for the food. So she gave them some bread crumbs to it. But birds did not eat them and after some time they fly away. The next day sweeper swept bread crumbs into the dustbin.

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