Morning Assembly

Morning assembly is the most significant time of our school. Without it, our study in school never starts. We all eagerly wait for it, and we want to do our best. In morning assembly we come to know a lot of things. Like news, current events and activity which is going to be held in our school.

In our school, all the classes got the opportunity to conduct morning assemblies in series. Once our class also got the opportunity to conduct a morning assembly. There was a huge responsibility to us. My class teacher selected the students who had to participate in the assembly. Among them, my name was also selected. We all selected poverty as a topic of our assembly. There were plenty of emotions arising within me including nervousness, anxiety, excitement, and so on else.

The teacher proposed I delivered a speech on poverty. I thought that I should refuse it because I had not delivered any speech before. But I looked at it as an opportunity and accepted the proposal.

I was terribly nervous because whenever I had conducted assembly. I made a mistake and the whole assembly became worst. At this place, I could not break the trust of my teacher. I practiced day and night for the speech. I prepared it well.

The next day, I went to school, and I was praying to God to save me from the insult. My team and I went to the stage for assembly. We did well. Everyone was silent when I was delivering the speech and at last, there was a huge round of claps for me. My principal also said."Satyam you have done well." I thought I should have a tape recorder and record my words and go on listening.

I gained a lot from my experience. I gained a lot of confidence and courage. Now whenever I go to the stage, I do not afraid. I confidently do whatever I have to do.

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