Life is Like an echo: we get back what we give.

Once upon a time, there were two brothers named Ram and Sham. Sham was elder to Ram. They were underprivileged people and living in a small village. They were not capable to fulfill all the needs of theirs family by working in the small village. Therefore, they decided that they would go to the city for earning the money. They shared their decision with their wife. The next day they said goodbye to their wife, and their wife had also prepared some food for them for eating in the way.

When they had traveled some distance. They saw a horse whose leg was hurt and blooding. It could not walk due to which it could not go to find food. Sham told Ram that they should help it. Ram told that he had no time to do these useless things. He moved forward. But Sham stayed with it for some days. He was giving him grass to eat and water to drink. With his help, the horse was feet soon now he not only walks but he could also run. The horse had become a good friend of Sham. After some time he left that horse there and went to the city for work.

Both brothers worked very hard in the city. They earned lots of money and decided to return to their village. When Ram was returning, he became extremely tired and he saw a horse, it was the same horse to whom he had ignored to help. He went near it and tried to sit on it. But that horse had kicked him and he fell down.

Sham was also returning from that way. After seeing Sham that horse went nearer to him and bent down near him as if he was telling sit down on it. He sits down on it and traveled to his home from that day horse lived with Sham forever and helped him to travel where he wants.

Ram learned a very important lesson that life is like an echo: We get back what we give.


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