The Gift

It was the 23rd of September, and I was very happy. Because on that day there was my birthday. I wished good morning to my whole family, and they all wished me by telling me happy birthday. There was a very delicious breakfast made on that day. My mother asked me what I wanted as my birthday gift. I told her that I wanted a bicycle. She informed to my father that I want a bicycle as my birthday gift. But he refused her by telling me that a bicycle is not good for me. I will squander my precious time here and there by riding it. My birthday was celebrated, and my father gave me a math book as my birthday gift.

At that time I was not good at my study. I was squandering my time talking with my friends in my classroom. When I used to come to my home, I flung my bag on the bed, exchanged my clothes, consumed some food and went for playing cricket. The whole day I was engaging in cricket. My parents were very concerned about me. Sometimes they also used to scold me, but I was not listing to them.

The time passed and the half-yearly exam came. All my friends were studying, but I was in my habit. We all wrote our papers. When the result was declared, my parents were called to the principal office. The principal told me that I had been failed in five subjects if I would repeat it then I had to repeat the same class.

My parents were extremely worried. They were in addition in anger from inside but they were not demonstrating it. My father came near to me and told me if I would come in the top third in my final exam then he would gift me a bicycle on my upcoming birthday.

He did not know how much a massive deal it was for me. All my friends had a bicycle and only I had not. I started studying more earnestly. My whole family was surprised. I was giving the answer to each and every question which were being asked in the classroom. My teachers and friends were also thinking about what had happened to me.

The final exam came. I was extremely nervous. When I saw my question paper, It seemed that I knew the answers to the maximum questions. I wrote my paper and started waiting for the result.

When the result was declared all were very surprised. I was fourth in the class, but I was not happy. Because I was not in the top third and I would not receive a bicycle as my birthday gift. But I had developed a extremely excellent habit of studying.

The time passed and my upcoming birthday came. When I came from school, I was surprised to see a new bicycle in my garage. My father came, he smiled and told me that it was for you my son. I told him I was not in the top third in my classroom result then why he had gifted me a bicycle. He told me that deftly you were not in the top third. It was for your hard work which you had shown and improved in your study.

I was very happy by receiving that extraordinary gift.

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