My happiest moment

There is the certain event which had happened in our life gives happiness to us whenever we remember it and sometimes by remembering it we become happy. This thing happens with all. It has also happened to me. Whenever I am sitting quietly and remember this incident. There is a beautiful smile on my face and sometimes I used to laugh.

That time I was doing my 12th. I was living with my family in Motihari. I was doing my study suddenly the financial condition of my family became very worst. I started thinking about how to earn money but I was not getting any idea.

One day when I was sitting and passing my time on mobile. There I saw an advertisement. In which it was written that I had a very good chance to win up to ten lakh money. It was a radio quiz competition which was conducted by a very famous radio company. I become very excited and clicked on that advertisement. The question was of general knowledge. Though I was a UPSC aspirant, I thought to play it. I clicked on the play button and started to play. I answered all the questions correctly. But I do not know why hundred rupees were detected from my account. I thought that I had been fooled.

For a few days, I was thinking about it. But as time passed I was forgetting it. Suddenly I got a phone call in which it was being told to me that I had won the competition and was selected for the final round. They called me to Patna for the final round. I did not listen to anything and started arguing that why they had detected my 100 rupees. But they were told that it was written in the agreement, I should read the agreement properly.

I started thinking about whether I should go to Patna or not. Then my father told me that he had some work in Patna. So I went with him and also thought to participate in that quiz. When I went there I saw the radio office was very big and many participants were there to play the quiz. I became very nervous. I was thinking about whether I would be able to win or not. 

As my turn came I played well and answered all the questions. I won the quiz and was rewarded with a ten lakh amount. With that money financial condition of my family became a little better and I also paid my fee.  

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