Chaotic Situation

One afternoon when I walk home from school. I was shocked by seeing the condition of my house. The door was unlocked and everything was in disarray. There was a tire mark of the car which did not match with my car. Inside my house, everything was arranged here and there. The cupboards and drawer were opened.

I went to the conclusion that there were robbers inside my house. I started finding my parents and was surprised to see that they were tied by the ropes. Near the gate, robbers were smoking and packing the precious jewels and money in the bag.

I started planing how to recover my property from those  robbers. I could not close the room from outside in which robbers were because they could ruin my family. After genuinely thinking for some time. I instantly made a plane.

I went to my first floor and started producing the sound. Robbers were genuinely surprised to hear that sound. They started running to the first floor. I hide behind the door. As they had entered inside the first floor. I clinched the room from outside.

I neglected one thing that only a few were locked. The rest of them were still unlocked, and they were on the ground floor. I listen to the footsteps of some people. They were also coming to see what had happened.

I ran and went to the roof. And from my roof. I jumped to my neighbor's roof. From there I went down and closed the room from inside in which my family members were caught. I free them from the rope.

I took my father's mobile phone and called the police station. Soon the police force came. By hearing the sound of the car of police robbers ran. The rest were locked on the first floor. They could not run. They were caught by police.

All people congratulate me on my bravery. My parents thanked me because I had saved money to be robbed.

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