Hard Work Always Pays off

There is a very good saying, "Hard work always pays off". This means the persons who are hard workers, always get the benefit. But sometimes, we work day and night but we do not get success and we stop trying. That time, we forget one more saying "Failure is the first attempt in learning" and "Failure is the key to success", which means when we fail again and again that means success is near to us.

Sometimes, we work day and night but we are not able to get success. That time we think that we are not getting anything from our hard work. That is wrong, we always learn something new through our hard work. For example the famous scientist Thomas Elba Edison. He had invented the electric bulb and he failed a hundred times when he invent the bulb before it, he stopped trying after two or three times, he would be not able to invent the bulb. But he tried again and again and he got the new idea after every failure. After his hard work paid and he succeeded in inventing the bulb. There are many examples of great people who were paid for their hard work.

The persons who are hard workers are only known in this world and the rest are not known to us. Take the example of any well-known people they are hard workers. They had never left their work in the name of luck. They had succeeded by their hard work and their hard work was paid silently.

We should always try to do hard work and we should not think that we are not getting anything from our hard work. We are always paid for our hard work. God pays us for our hard work very silently.


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