Working Woman

I agree with the statement that a working woman makes a better mother than a non-working woman. I have personally felt it because my mother is also a working woman and she has provided me with all the requirement which a mother has to provide to her son.

Each woman has their dream. She has been working very hard to fulfill her dream since her childhood. She has also dreamt that she would become a doctor engineer, teacher, etc. If she would not full-field her dream because of being a woman. Then she could not motivate her girl child to see a big dream because, in the future, it is going to break down.

If the woman is a working woman. She can teach her children how to react in a different situation because she has personally felt it while working. She can provide her children with all the basics requirements which are necessary for their bright and better future.

The woman can also help her family financially. If she is a working woman. She can make her family more prosperous and wealthy. Due to this, her children can get proper education by studying in good schools and colleges. She can increase the standard of her family.

If the woman is working, she could understand the value of money. She will understand that money comes by a lot of struggle. She will start saving money rather than useless items.

By working, the woman will become independent. She will not depend on her husband for all the needs. In this way, she could also teach her children to be independent rather than to depend on someone for all their needs.

There is also some misconception that a working woman does not give time to her child. But it is wrong, She gives time to her child. She is with her child whenever needs her.

If the woman is working. She could understand the value of money. She will understand that money comes by a lot of struggle. she will start saving money rather than useless items.


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