Polythene Bags Should Be Banned

The modern world is facing a serious problem due to pollution. It has undoubtedly affected most people's life. Many rare diseases are occurring due to pollution. There are many pollutants, and I think polythene bags are major pollutants. So, I think the extensive use of polythene bags should be banned.

Polythene bags cannot correctly be compost and properly disposed of. It can neither be used for sanitary landfills. If it is done it will not allow water to percolate. Due to which the problem of waterlogging will instantly arise and the groundwater level will typically decrease.

Polythene bags cannot be thrown directly on the ground surface. If it is done, vegetation cannot be done in that place. The new plant will not come, and it will affect agriculture.

It will also not save to burn the polythene. It will produce many harmful gasses and they can cause many respiratory diseases.

Sometimes we throw garbage in polythene bags due to which many animals become sick and many of them also die. They are not able to properly digest those polythene bags. It remains in their stomach.

There are many varieties of polythene bags that cannot be reused and properly recycle. They are like a waste to the environment.

Polythene bags also cause water pollution. When they are thrown into rivers, ponds, lakes, and seas. They act as major pollutants in water bodies. It affects the aquatic life, and it creates very difficultly for the survival of fishes. It intentionally blocks the direct path of sun rays due to which sun rays are not able to reach into the river. Due to which plant does not grow into it and level of carbon dioxide is increased and it also helps for the formation of algae.

We should stop using polythene bags. Otherwise, we will be caught up in a serious problem.

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