Money Is Important For Happiness

Money plays a very important role in our life. It controls our life. In this world, almost all people are running behind money. They think if they have wealth they will get each and everything they want.

Money is important for our happiness not very important but it is important. We can live our lives in comfort if we have money. We can help needy people if we have money. We can have all the things which are essential for our life with money.

In our school, we are mostly taught that money is the root of all the evils. But they never tell us how we can help others with the money. Many rich people in the world are helping others with their money. According to me if we are killing any people by electric shock. It is not the fault of electricity. It is we who are misusing it. The same happens with money. We should not simply blame money for all the evils happening in society.

Many people are working day and night and losing all their happiness. If you will ask them then most of them will reply that they don't work for money. But they are wrong most of them are working for money. If they are not working for money why they are waking up early in the morning and going to a job and come late at night. They are losing all their happiness in scarcity of money.

If I will tell that money is the most powerful thing in the world. I think I would not be wrong. You can see if any country has a lot of money. They are one of the most powerful nations. They provide their people with also the necessary things required for them. They provide good education, food, and better job.

If we will use money in a useful way then surely it can be the key to happiness.

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