Lost the game but won the heart

There are few people, whom we constantly want to defeat. We are always jealous of them. We don't want to escape the chance of defeating them. This jealousy is due to the things, in which they are good to us. But few people make a lifetime impression on us by allowing us to win and they lose. They lost the game but won the heart.

It was the time of summer. My family and I decided to visit my grandmother's house(my mother's house). I was extremely excited because I was going to meet my grandmother. I maintained a extremely good relation with my grandmother. I had spent much golden time with her. She loves me very much and me too. She talks to me like a child and plays many games with me. Like carrom and ludo. She is a very excellent player. She also takes me to the farm.

I still remember when I was small. I used to ask many stupid types of questions to her, and she used to reply to me.

We would become so much busy in our talk that we could not judge how much distance we traveled. When she got tired. I used to tell her, "you have become old." Then she got angry with me and started walking fast like a little girl. I have a lot of fantastic memory with her.

I have still remembered. When my brothers and my grandmother sit to play ludo. She did not cut our dice and many times. She was defeated. But when we won the game, we started shouting and became happy, Then she also started laughing with us. I could not judge who had won. But it was a very happy moment.

When I was thinking about these experiences. I could not realize when I had reached my grandmother's house and my grandmother was standing in front of me. I ran towards her.


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