Story Of My Pets

That's not cool to have a pet. All of us enjoy having a pet. There's someone we can hang out with and forget all our troubles. Previously, I also loved having a pet. I tried to make a pet, too.

I still remember it. Once I had a calf. I was very proud of it. I used to show it to all my friends and say to my friends, "Look at my calf is bigger than your dog, Your dog can't stand against her. When she will be older, she will become stronger." But once she got older. She started going far from me. One day, when I approached her, she rushed to beat me. Truly, it hurts when someone you love hurts you.

Then I tried to make a pet of one of the pigeons which laid eggs on my balcony. I was taking care of them, giving them food to eat. I became overcaring to them. All the times I was seeing them. One day they dump their eggs down and went from there. My mother was very angry by that incident. She asked me, "Did I touch their eggs." I replied yes.

But I didn't lose hope. I tried to make the pet to all the ants in my home. I catch all the ants one by one and put them all in one box. I provided sugar to eat. I was extremely happy that finally I had made a pet and I didn't apprehend what I get in listing to their musical voice. I put my ear near close to the box and listen to their musical voice. As considerable time passed, they started dying. I have to free them all. I decided subsequently that I would try no more to make a pet.

It was the time of Holi. My father brought a hen to be cut for the meat. It was very thin and weak. He had brought it some days earlier and decided that he would provide a proper diet to the hen and make it healthy. But all the time he put it inside the house and provides only grains for it. It was becoming weak.

People suggested my father allowed the hen to go outside. If it ate insects, it would become healthy. Otherwise soon it would die. My father said, "The problem is that if he takes it outside who will catch it if it will run." I told him that I would catch it. Allow it to go outside, but he disagreed. Then I decided I would take it outside. When my father went outside the house. I tied ropes in its leg and took it outside. It seemed like some herdsman had taken his cow outside for grazing. All the local people were laughing at me and calling me mad. But I was left with no option and I was equally enjoying it.

I didn't know when I came so close to that hen, it had become my best friend. I was always playing with it. Whenever there was no one at my home, I freed the hen in my whole house and try to catch it. As time passed, I was able to catch it. I freed it also outside. I was also afraid as the days of Holi were coming closer. I was praying for him. Finally, the day of Holi came.

I, my hen and my family went to my village. When all my friends were playing Holi. I was praying for my hen. The whole day I was praying that it would not be slashed. I don't know how but god listen to my prayer and my hen was not slashed. My uncle had also brought one hen that was cut. He was living in my village. That day I knew that there was a god.

Two days passed when I came to my house from somewhere. My mother told me to eat lunch. There was rice and chicken in the lunch. It was very delicious. I ate nicely. My mother asked, "how was the food?". I replied, "delicious." She said, "Today chicken is made of your hen." By listing that my mind became blank. I felt that I would fall. I vomited a lot and felt sick. All thought I got food poisoning. But the reality was different.

I promise myself, "I will not eat meat from today onwards." I became completely vegetarian from that day. Now I can't even think to kill any animals nor I can hurt them. What about my dream of having a pet? I had also dropped my dream.

Considerable time passed and I went to 1st standard class. I had to go to a hostel to study. It was in the city of Motihari. My house was in the village side and there was no proper education. I didn't want to go there and leave my village and my family. I merely love my village. Nothing can be better than living in a village. Its refreshing air and environment absolutely amazed me. But my parents forced me to go there.

They had given me greed for many things. But I didn't agree. At last, they told me that there was a computer and many boys like you in the hostel and I had to only live there for one year. Computer word was different for me. In my childhood, I had heard a lot about it. But never seen it. I didn't want to go there but by my family's enforcement, I had to go there.

When I reached there, I couldn't understand which kind of hostel was. There were no children only one girl from my class, one family who was the owner of that hostel, and one dog. I am not understanding why I am calling It a hostel. It was just a house. Which had a very strange rule. I was not allowed to go outside. I had to go to school with one lady who was the owner of the hostel and the teacher at my school. All the time, I had to live in the hostel.

There was no single day in which I had not wept and tried to escape from the hostel. The owner of the house and three or four men also ran behind me. Really, I run very fast. When I run no one can catch me. Maybe I learn to run fast from there only. After running for a while, I started thinking about where I should go. None know me in this city. I suddenly stop in the middle of the road.

When they came closer to me. I shouted aloud. They take off their shoulder and carried me to that hell hostel. Where I had to live alone all the time.

Besides these, I had one friend in the hostel that dog, "Jenny." I had heard a lot about her. I had heard that dogs understand English. Whenever the owner of the hostel told her to shake the hand, she shook the hand, and when they called her in English she come. When they used to tell her to bring something, she brought it. When she was instructed to sit down and stand up, She did accordingly.

I was thinking that the dog was a super dog who is very intelligent. All the time, I was playing with her. I started forgetting my loneliness. I forgot all my tension whenever I was with her. That doesn't mean that I had started loving that place. I hate it as I hated it before. Daily I was trying to run from there.

I was also attaching it with Jenny. One year passed and that one year was ten years for me. I abandoned the hostel. And started living with my grandmother in an apartment. I used to remember sometime Jenny. But I didn't go to meet her. However, I remember when I was leaving the hostel. Jenny was not living with me. She was behind me all the time. She barked loud when I left the place.

Time passed, and I went to the eighth standard. I studied in the same school. My previous hostel came on the same route as my school. I tried to see there in the hope that I would be able to see Jenny. But I had never seen her and I couldn't dare to go inside the hostel. I experienced a flashback of my past.

One day when I was passing near my hostel. I identify one dog running from the gate of the hostel and coming towards me. It looked like Jenny and started playing with me as Jenny used to play with me. I also started giving hand appreciation to the dog as I used to give Jenny earlier.

The owner of the hostel in addition came. I didn't recognize why my heart started beating when I identify the owner of the house. I inquired him, "Is it, Jenny?". He replied, "she is not Jenny she is Jenny's daughter"? Jenny had died a few years ago.

I was sad and also surprised. How did that dog recognize me? I have been thinking about it till now. "How that dog recognizes me?".


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