Write an original story entitled: The Missed Call

The Missed Call

Once upon a time, a boy without a father. A boy who doesn't have support of a dad is like a bird that doesn't have wings. His mother raised him as a mom and a dad. He was a great student from the get-go. He was quite popular at his school. When he got older.

He went and studied elsewhere.

Where he met a girl he thought he had a crush on. He bunked classes, Took money from his mother saving to buy her gifts. He gave her keychains, rings and many chocolates. He didn't have a dad to tell him what love can do to his career.

On the day of the result, he found out he failed.

His girlfriend went to college, and she said "move on, I'm in love with someone else". The guy she was in love with didn't take her on long walks like he did because he had a car. The guy she was in love with doesn't take her to the coffee shop by the street because he took her to bars. The man she loved doesn't cuddle all night because he had a job.

He went back home. Just to find out his mother was sick.

She always was but still hides from him, cause she, don't wanna disturb his studies. She didn't bring all the necessary medicines to cause her son to use up all her savings, she knew. Months later she passes away. All these years he lived he got nothing to show for it.

One day he decided to kill himself as they say "life is incomplete without death." All he had was just an incomplete love story. Just minutes before hanging himself he tried to call her the last time.

The call rang, rang, and just rang.

When he finally was going to hang himself, he remembered his mother's words "if you live long enough you will eventually find happiness."

So he decided to live another day. And another And the day after that Some days were brighter And somewhere darker.

One day he found someone. She was as cute as her first love and wear as fancy clothes as her But she still loved him.

Some months later, they got married. He doesn't take her on long walks. Nor to the coffee shop. And she never asked why?

One day his phone rang. It was his first love. The phone rang, rang, and just rang.

You don't find them always sometimes they found you.

Written By


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