Honesty is the best policy story

The honest person is respected by all and he is heard by all. The honest person gets an opportunity in each field. All want that they should be with the honest person. Honest people get respect everywhere. All people love them. People do not fear giving them a big opportunity. That's why it is being told that honesty is the best policy.

There are some people who often tell that no one is honest in this world. And those who are honest face many problems. they can not survive in this world. But I would like to tell you that this whole world is running due to some honest people. If all the people become dishonest. There will be no one able to survive on this Earth. I have a short story based upon honesty.

Once upon a time, there were two shopkeepers. Their name was Ram and Shyam. Both of them run grocery shops. Ram was honest but Shyam was dishonest. Shyam often cheated with customers by giving bad products to them and he reduced the price of the product.  Many customers came to his shop by seeing the low price. But after some time they realize that his product was not good. And they stopped coming to his shop.

Ram was honest and he sold good products by their actual rate. For a few days, there were fewer customers coming to his shops. They were thinking that Ram was selling his products at a higher rate in comparison with Shyam. But after seeing Ram's behavior and the quality of the product sold by Ram. They started coming to his shop. Soon the number increases. 

Shyam was surprised to see it. He was not able to understand why fewer customers were coming to his shop. He went to Ram and asked for his help. Ram told him that these all things were happing only due to his dishonesty. He told him that he was selling bad products at a lower rate. Now people had understood it that's why they were not coming to his shop. He taught him the power of honesty.

Now Shyam understood that honesty is the best policy. He started doing his work in an honest way. Soon people started coming to his shop. And he got a huge benefit.

In this story, we learned that by doing dishonesty we can survive for short time but not for our whole life. Meanwhile, an honest person can survive anywhere in the world. They will get love and respect everywhere.

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