Essay On Media

Media is the plural form of Medium. Anything which is used to communicate with each other comes in the category of Media. Media brings a new revolution in our life. People also see it as one of the pillars of our constitution.

The best example of media is television, radio, newspaper, Magzine. Through the media, we get the correct information about any event. The media stops the fake information and people know what is right or what is wrong. Media is also beneficial for the students. Through media students' knowledge increases. They learn daily new things. We get any information by sitting in the room. Due to the media only we can see the live cricket match. We daily get some new and interesting things.

The first media which come was the newspaper. It brings a new revolution. Newspapers help us to share our views with each other. Then the radio came it helps us to listen to any audio and we can hear live cricket match by sitting in our room. Then telegraph came due to it any official document can be sent.

We can also say that due to media only our India gets freedom because many leaders cane forward and they share their views on how they can get freedom, they encourage every Indians to come forward. They put forward how America and other countries got freedom. They due to the media only very big revolts happen to like the Boycott moment or the Swadeshi movement.

In ancient times there was also media they used to communicate with each other with pigeons and horses.

There is also some bad element which has entered into our media. That is fake news. There are many news channels that give fake news to increase their TRP. There are also some media who are supporting a particular party to increase their vote bank. 

Today we should make sure whether that information is right or wrong.

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