An Old Woman

Once I was going to my house with one of my classmates. When we were on the road, we met an old woman. She was very old, and she was going to the hospital.

The woman stopped me and asked me the address of one of the hospitals. I informed her that I did not know about it and requested her to ask someone else. At that time she replied that it was very serious. Without asking me she told me that she had pain in her teeth and she want to contact a doctor. I thought that the woman would be mad. I asked where were her family, why she did not come with her family. She replied that she had run from her house. I asked why she had run. She replied that she was not getting love from her family, and she also had pain in her teeth. She told them to take her to the doctor, but they had ignored her.

After talking to her, I became emotional. But I repress my emotion. I thought that the woman was trying to fool me. But the mind was telling that the woman would be mad. She would run from her house. My conscience told me how I could leave an old madwoman on the road, where she would go. I told that woman to go to her village. She replied that she had no money to take any vehicles. I asked her if she had no money how she could go to the hospital. She replied that there was her daughter in the town. I told her to wait I was going to bring money from my house. I went to my house and brought fifty rupees and gave it to that woman. As I had given that money to that woman. I could not understand how did that woman become active and intelligent. She herself stopped an auto and sit into it. But I was surprised to see only one sight when the woman went into the auto and she opened her purse and kept that money into her purse. There was a lot of money into it from before. My mind completely become dark, I was not getting what to speak and what not and that auto went from there.

I learn a very good lesson from there. The lesson is that there are two types of thinkers rational and emotional. We should not be emotional. We should always be rational.

I have nothing lost after being cheated to that woman. But I will always be afraid before helping anyone and sometimes, I would be wrong.


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