Education Of Girls

Yes, I agree with the statement that money spent on the education of girls is money well spent. It is being seen in our society that people do not want to educate female child. They do not give considerable importance to a girl child. They typically have the wrong thought regarding girl child. People think that their money will be wasted if they educate a female child.

Benefits of educating girls

There are many benefits of educating girls. But people do not note it. They think that girls undoubtedly have to go to other houses. So, what they will get by educating them. But they are wrong. There are many benefits of educating them.

Girls can be the support of family.

Today girls have proved that they can in common be the support of family. They are performing excellent jobs and earning money and improving the financial condition of the family.

They can be the good caretaker of parents.

They are properly taking care of their parents in old age. They are faithfully fulfilling all their specific needs. Which they have never hope for from a girl child.

They can teach their children.

Mother is the first teacher of any child. If they are educated. They can give good education to their children. In this way, children will also become educated.

They can stand for their right.

We are daily seeing in our society. There is a violation of all the rights of a girl. If girls will be properly educated. They can fight for their right, and they will undoubtedly stand against all the social evils.

They can become self-dependent.

We are predominantly seeing that girls are always dependent on men for their works. If they will be developed, they will become self-dependent.

Position of girls in our society

Today position of girls is not at that level. By which we can proud. Today also girls are looked down to a boy. In many families, they do not get love from their parents. Parents give importance to the male child rather than the female. If a girl child is born, they are not getting love and parents continue to wait for a boy. In this way two and three girls children born and they all not get love from family.

Government policies for protecting the girl child

The government is taking many steps for protecting a female child. They are doing many successful campaigns. They are making many laws. They are providing reservations to them in many fields.

Girls should get same right as a boy. They should be educated, and parents should spend money on the education of girls. Parents should give up all the wrong thaught regarding girls. They have to understand that both boys and girls are equal.

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